Conservative Manifesto – Bigger Conservatories will Solve the Housing Problem

Telegraph – nothing new here as either extending ‘temporary’ PD powers or the rather toothless ‘right to build’ already consulted on.  I note however the assessment of the impact of ‘right to build’ included brownfield and greenfield and was entirely land that would be build on anyway.  It will be deceptive as usual; for Shapps if he claims this is 100,000  extra brownfield units and 100,000 less greenfeld.  This will not lead to any less greenfield in the long run as employment space in the SE is in short supply and would needs to be replaced.  Also of course almost none of the buildings it has applied to were vacant or underused.  Spin Spin Spin.

Up to 100,000 extra homes will be built under Conservative plans to make it easier for people to put up their own houses after the election, as a new poll gives the Tories a lead over Labour.

Grant Shapps, the Tory chairman promised to scrap red tape in the housing market to give homeowners the “right to build” bigger conservatories and new homes on brownfield sites.

As part their “consumer-friendly” offer to voters, the Tories will put housing at the centre of their campaigning this week, announcing a manifesto pledge to put more power over house-building in the hands of the public.

The party will pledge to extend until 2020 planning rules allowing homeowners to build larger extensions and garden conservatories without full planning permission, if their neighbours do not object.

New rules will also make it easier for people to buy “brownfield” land from their council to build their own home, either themselves or using a small building firm.

More empty and underused buildings such as offices and warehouses will also be converted into dwellings, under the plans.

The Tories said they expect these measures will see at least 20,000 extra homes being built a year, or 100,000 over the Parliament,while continuing to protect the greenbelt.

Mr Shapps said: “We are determined to get Britain building again, so that more people can find a good quality, affordable home. We want common sense on home extensions too, so families aren’t crushed by expensive red tape.

“For home extensions and conservatories: as long as your neighbours are happy, a Conservative Government will always give you the right to build. If you dream of building your home from scratch, we will require councils to help you find land.”