First Housing Delivery Test Appeal – Council refused Allocated Site for 600 Homes

Here Land West of Knights Hill Village Kings Lynn

The Secretary of State agrees that the Council has a five-year supply of housing, as
required by the Framework (IR187). He agrees with the Inspector’s conclusions at IR187
that the delivery of the appeal site would increase flexibility in delivering a five-year
housing supply which is a matter of significant importance considering the 2019 housing
delivery test results (below 85%) and considering national policy to significantly boost the
supply of housing. He has considered further that the proposal would result in the loss of
a greenfield site (IR197). However, the appeal site is an allocated site in an adopted
Development Plan for at least 600 dwellings, and that it is essential to deliver the adopted
CS strategy that focuses on the expansion of King’s Lynn and identifies areas of growth to
fulfil that aim (IR188).

Ridicouly after refusing an allocated site they sought to deallocate it in draft plan.

Roll on zoning.

Typical Nimby Nonsense from the local MP who clearly knows nothing about planning.

James Wild, Conservative MP for North West Norfolk, said: “This is a very disappointing decision based on an inspector’s report that overrides strong local opposition to this development. Despite acknowledging that the development is not required to meet local housing needs, the inspector recommended it be allowed to proceed.

Lets have rel local newspaper headlines like

Idiotic and indefensible Nimby decision to deny locals planned homes and overturn decision of council in local plan overturned – hurray.

Actually the SOS decision is badly worded, as the site was allocated no need to refer to 5YHLS.

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