If ‘Bylesgate’ sees off Cameron – would Phillip Hammond be the obvious successor?

If it did turn out that Andy Coulson conducted a ‘dark ops’ against Civil Servant Tim Byles – prompted or otherwise by Michael Gove in ‘who will rid me of…’ style then it is difficult to see Cameron being able to survive.  As well a whole tranche of Tory ministers would find it impossible to take over because of their association with Coulson, such as George Osbourne.  Jeremy Hunt, once talked of as a potential Tory leader, has not had a good war, seemingly caught in the headlights over issues ‘above my pay grade’.

Who then could take over? The problem is the shortage of Tory ministerial talent, Hague having ‘lost his mojo’, May being over-promoted, Lansley appalling on TV, Fox too right wing, Pickles a joke, Duncan Smith – a good sergeant not a good general, who is left?

It seems at the moment that there is only one minister wheeled out regularly as the Minister for Today and Newsnight – and that is Phillip Hammond.  A calming and rational influence his quiet rise has been rarely acknowledged. He has taken on Nimbys with charm but determinism.   One of the few cabinet ministers with real business experience and previously working as a consultant for the World Bank and the Malawi Government few could claim he lacks the wider credentials.  Typically people with talent only reach high office due to the self destruction of those around them, and this might be such a time.

The other other serious contender who might  throw there hat into the ring is Boris – but if the climax of a crisis was closer to next May’s Mayoral elections this would be impossible.  Hammond needs to hope his luck holds old.

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